Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:29:10 +0200
Hello cabiners, This is probably old hat to most of you, but I still wonder what evidence is there against Dominic Priore's theory that Heroes & Villains Pt.2 are these three sections starting off with the "how I love my girl" a-cappella and including pone verse and numerous repetitions of the "Heroes &
Villains" main motive?
Thank you for enlightment,
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 08:37:20 -0500
>>> I still wonder what evidence is there against Dominic Priore's theory that Heroes & Villains Pt.2 are these three sections starting off with the "how I love my girl" a-cappella and including one verse and numerous repetitions of the "Heroes & Villains" main motive?
-- that particular assembly, with the final "sunny down snuff" verse, was done by Mark Linnett in 1988, and not Brian Wilson in 1966, and was simply to
illustrate a number of interesting H&V "sections," not to provide any definitive order.
-- while there IS evidence that the repetitive "doot doot doot, Heroes
and Villains" sections were meant to live next to each other, there is no
evidence that they were meant as side two to a 2-sided single. They are called
out at the session as things like "part 2 - revised version" and "part 2 --
version 4" and on session sheets are likely logged as "insert."
-- There is some interesting and compelling evidence FOR a two-sided
H&V single, the most compelling of which was the recent revelation that the
minor-key H&V chorus is logged as "Side Two." If, however, the H&V chorus was part of a 2-sided single, it's very likely that the major-key variations were
already ditched at the time. Likely record date for the major-key repetitions:
December '66. Likely record date for the minor-key H&V chorus: February.
-- If the chorus was part of a "side 2" I'd say it's likely that some
of the other things logged in late February as "part 2" under a different
master number might've been the REST of "side 2," and that includes a re-recorded "false barnyard," "H&V Intro," and probably "prelude to fade aka
the country western section." In other words: if there ever was a "part
2" I'd say it's likely it wasn't in the same time frame as the "part 2
-- although really, nobody knows.
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:36:04 -0700
Subject: Re: Heroes, Villains & An Old Theory
I'm pretty sure that Dom's assertion that there was a "Heroes And
Villains(part 2)" originally came from Brad Elliott's book Surf's Up!
In the book Brad states, "One of the projected cuts, a seven minute
long Heroes and Villains, was set as a single and scheduled for release
January 13, 1967. Numbered 5826, it was to run both sides of the record -
Heroes And Villains, Part 1 backed with Heroes and Villains, Part 2.
Do you know what Mr. Elliott based his original claim upon?
BTW, the January 13th release date is one day prior to the first
"Be-In" which was held in San Francisco on the 14th. Organizers picked the
14th after consulting with an astrologer. Interesting that Brian also
relied on a similar consultation to pick the eventual release day for
"Heroes And Villains."
Subject: Heroes, Villains & An Old Theory
Subject: Re: Heroes, Villains & An Old Theory
-- Dom could've been right!
If you have any comments on this topic, and I will try to promptly post any interesting replies.